General Meeting, Feb-04-2018

General meeting of Shahid Mazari’s organizing committee


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Salam Alaikum wa Ramatulla.


A summery of The Special General Meeting (SGM) between senior members of Martyr Mazari Followers in Greater Vancouver that was held at Bonsor Community Center on Feb-04-2018 , as follows:


The meeting was very constractive and productive.
There were 30 members attended  the meeting, and one the most important topics that was covered  included electing a permanent organizing committee which has the authority to  work, make decisions, and hold events  in the future, like the upcoming Anniversary of Shahid Mazari.


13 members were elected to this committee, and three of whome were also elected as (Director/Coordinator) and Assistent (Director/Coordinator).

Organizing Committee:

1-Esmatullah Nazary (Director/Coordinator)
2 -Yunous Akhtar (Assistent Director/Coordinator)
3- Mohammad Fazili (Assistent Director/Coordinator
4- Jawad Rezae
5- Mehdi Fasehi
6- Haji Janali
7- Nader Ali Sharifi
8- Yasin Karimi
9 Sadiq Mohibbi
10- Esmail Tasmim
11- Yousuf Hamidi
12-Azizullah Soroush
13- Reza Turan





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