About us

Who are we?


The organizing committee of Martyr Mazari in Greater Vancouver has been responsible for commemorating Martyr Mazari,s Anniversaries throughout  the years since early 2000. They have worked tirelessly and with enthusiasm so that the event can be as educational, constractive and protective as possible.

Committee formation:

In the past years, volunteers were forming a temporary committe responsible for Martyr Mazaries events.

Before the event, they were holding meetings to discus and share ideas about running the events. Volunteers were reaching out followers of Martyr Mazari for donations about the event, and people have always been very generous.

Then, on Feb 04 2018, a Special General Meeting (SGM) was held in Bonsor community center in the city of Burnaby, British Columbia between senior members / representatives from all suburbs of the greater Vancouver Area to discus/share ideas about a permanent organizing committee.

In the meeting, all attended members agreed on forming a permanent committee and elected 13 members as the elements of this committee. At the same time, they also elected a Director and 2 assistant directors to the committee from among the 13 elected members.

The committee was given the authority to hold events in the future and also continue follow-up meetings on how to improve the events, service and also possibly work on some other issues if needed.

Members of the board of Committee:

1-Esmatullah Nazary (Director/Coordinator)
2 -Yunous Akhtar (Assistent Director/Coordinator)
3- Mohammad Fazili (Assistent Director/Coordinator
4- Jawad Rezae
5- Mehdi Fasehi
6- Haji Janali
7- Nader Ali Sharifi
8- Yasin Karimi
9 Sadiq Mohibbi
10- Esmail Tasmim
11- Yousuf Hamidi
12-Azizullah Soroush
13- Reza Turan